Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lawsuit Over Accutane Bowel Problems is Transferred

Another Accutane lawsuit has been transferred to the multidistrict litigation (MDL) in Tampa, Florida. Amanda Jean Lausche and Ryan Eric Johnson both allege that they began experiencing stomach pain, which ultimately led to a diagnosis of the Accutane Side Effect, inflammatory bowel disease like hundreds of other Accutane users who were not. All of the suits involve allegations that side effects of Accutane, a popular acne medication developed by Roche, caused users to develop severe gastrointestinal problems. Plaintiffs allege that Roche and generic drug makers failed to adequately research the medication or warn about the risk of inflammatory bowel disease, which could include ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
The spike in Accutane claims filed in New Jersey comes on the heels of a court ruling there that found the statute of limitation for such lawsuit should be based on when plaintiffs discovered there could be a connection between the Accutane and their bowel disorder. IBD is comprised of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Ulcerative colitis can cause ulcers and inflammation in the large intestine, generally starting rectally and moving into the colon. Crohn’s disease usually affects the small intestine, but can occur in all portions of the digestive tract, including the mouth, stomach, and colon. Ulcers may go away without treatment, but often recur repeatedly.
Lawsuits over Accutane bowel disease have been filed by hundreds of individuals from across the United States. The complaints include allegations that the drug makers failed to properly test and research Accutane intestinal problems and failed to adequately warn about the risk of inflammatory bowel disease on Accutane. Millions of dollars in compensatory damages have been awarded by juries for individuals who have experienced Accutane inflammatory bowel disease, and attorneys are continuing to review new cases for individuals who have been diagnosed with problems. In November 2008, a New Jersey jury ordered Roche to pay $13 million to three plaintiffs. The prior April, another NJ jury awarded $10.5 million to a woman who blamed the drug for her ulcerative colitis. In May 2007, a NJ trial resulted in an award of $2.62 million to a patient requiring removal of his colon and most of his rectum after taking Accutane.

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