Friday, November 18, 2011

Accutane Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Painful and Limiting

Patients with severe acne are likely to tell you the psychological and physical problems they face because of the skin condition. Many are willing to do anything in order to alleviate the problem, as it can be limiting both personally and socially and can have a huge hand in lowering a person’s self esteem. So when a number of patients prescribed Accutane noticed the extremely effective results the popular drug provided, they were ecstatic. And when the drug was pulled from shelves in 2009 by the manufacturers of it, Hoffman-La Roche, they may have been confused.

Accutane lawyer has filed lawsuit against accutane for its sexual side effects .However, what some did not know then—and, thanks to media coverage, many know now—Accutane side effects, it was causing a number of problems for certain patients, including but not limited to inflammatory bowel disease. Accutane Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are both forms of inflammatory bowel disease,
and manifest when a patient’s intestines and parts of their digestive tract become swollen and inflamed. This can cause problems from bloody diarrhea to hospitalizations, and many patients have to undergo surgery to remove parts of their colon, rectum, or other parts of their digestive system. These diseases are permanent and there is no cure—doctors can only treat the symptoms, but they will likely recur throughout a patient’s life. This can prevent patients from leading normal, productive lives, having normal jobs, or doing the things they enjoyed doing previously.
It is no wonder that a number of patients have decided to file suit against the manufacturers of the drug. They are asking for damages that could help to cover past and future medical bills, lost wages or lost earning potential, loss of quality of life, attorneys fees, and other financial costs of the side effects they have suffered and the subsequent lawsuit they were forced to file in order to be compensated.
Accutane is so powerful because the medication it consists of, isotretinoin, was originally developed for use as a cancer-fighting drug, a chemotherapy medication. It kills cells that multiply rapidly, which includes the cells that cause acne. However, because of its original intended use, it is an extremely powerful medication. 

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