Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Depression: Accutane's Deadly Side Effect

Accutane's Deadly Side Effect

In a letter sent to doctors in February 1998, Roche Laboratories, makers of Accutane, warned that among the various side effects Accutane is known to produce in users, severe depression and suicide are known to occur. Accutane, a successful and popular acne treatment medication, had been on the market longer than 15 years at that point, and patients and dermatologists praised its ability to effectively clear serious acne.

In the letter it was stated: “Accutane may cause depression, psychosis and, rarely, suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and suicide.”

Depression Linked to Accutane Use for Years

The information circulated by Roche in 1998 was anything but a recent discovery. Depression had long been a known side effect of Accutane, and had been included, although briefly, on the drug’s warning label since 1985. There are multiple side effects associated with Accutane use, and some others include ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and Crohn’s disease.

The FDA was not impressed with Roche’s letter to physicians. They had long been aware of the risk of Accutane depression, as evidenced by hundreds of complaints filed with the agency. It was obvious that the American public had a right to a stronger warning.

New Millennium Sees Reemergence of Accutane Depression Issue

Once again in September 2000, the FDA made public the link that exists between Accutane and serious depression. Before a meeting of the FDA’s Dermatologic and Ophthalmic Drug Advisory Committee, medical experts declared Accutane use had been related to 147 suicides and hospitalizations brought on by depression between 1982 and 2000. Roche argued against those claims, stating that a much higher suicide rate would naturally occur in a group study.

While defending against accusations of Accutane depression and suicide, Roche had brought to light a troubling fact: Accutane was largely prescribed to teenagers, a portion of the general population particularly sensitive psychologically. Teens are already more susceptible to depression, and suicide is ranked third as the cause of teen deaths, behind car accidents and homicide. It has been proven that Accutane can worsen preexisting psychological issues.

Despite defending its product, Roche withdrew Accutane from the American market in June 2009. The company, which is based in Switzerland, did not release a statement referring to depression or any of the other well-known Accutane side effects. There was, in fact, no need to speak of the side effects or the recall: the damage had already occurred. More than 13 million prescriptions had been sold over the years, thousands of people had suffered from illnesses brought on by Accutane, and some had lost their lives.

Currently, there are thousands of Accutane lawsuits pending in the U.S. court system.

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