Thursday, February 24, 2011

Accutane: the Suicide Pill

The decision to take Accutane is a very tough one. On one hand, the drug has been effective at treating even the worst cases of acne. On the other hand, it carries a possible connection with severe depression, and even suicide. This makes the decision to take drugs containing isotretinoin, like Accutane difficult. If you, or someone you know, has severe acne, and nothing has worked for you so far, then you may be faced with this difficult decision.

Some Severe Side Effects

The list of severe side effects from Accutane is staggering. It includes, but is not limited to:

• Injuries less likely to heal
• Infections
• Impetigo
• Paronychia
• Liver Damage
• Birth Defects
• Severe Depression
• Suicide

However, this is not the complete list. Some more less severe side effects include:

Crohn’s disease
• Eczema
• Muscle Pain
• Sunlight sensitivity
• Nails that are brittle
• Skin dryness
• Menstrual issues
• Violent actions
• Allergies

That is quite the list of side effects. All of them should be read and understood before taking the drug.

The Worst Side Effect

Easily the worst side effect that Accutane has, suicide due to Accutane, has already claimed lives.
Studies have shown that Accutane and other drugs like it can greatly increase the risk for suicide. The most famous case, and most famous death due to suicide from Accutane is that of young B.J. Stupak. He ended his own life with a gun shot. His father, a congressman, launched a massive investigation into Accutane. His investigation found that Accutane may seriously increase the risk for severe depression which leads to suicide.

His investigation also uncovered an FDA memo highlighting the risk between taking Accutane and birth defects. The FDA questioned taking Accutane off the market for that very reason. Perhaps if they would have gone through with taking it off the market, they would have saved lives.

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