Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Accutane Linked to Suicide?

At first glance isotretinoin seems like a wonder drug. It is the main ingredient in Accutane, and gives the person using it clear and unblemished skin. However, the problem comes from the very serious side effects of Accutane.

The side effects of Accutane include the possibility of having severe depression, and going on to commit suicide. This makes the decision of whether or not you should take Accutane a very difficult one. List of Side Effects If you or your child has severe or stubborn acne, Accutane seems like the perfect choice because of the track record it carries. It is very good at eliminating all types of acne. However, the side effects that it carries are massive, and include: allergic flare ups, birth defects (if pregnant), Crohn’s disease, IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), damage to the live , Ulcerative Colitis, depression, and suicide. This drug affects all parts of the body, from digestion, to the liver, to even the brain. However, that isn’t the entire list. Those suffering from these side effects should contact an experienced Accutane lawyer immediately.

Studies show that taking this drug may greatly increase the risk of Accutane suicide. The most widely reported case of a suicide comes from the death of B.J. Stupak, son of a congressman, Bart Stupak. B.J. died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound while taking Accutane. After investigating Accutane fully, Bart Stupak found that in some cases Accutane results in severe cases of depression which can lead to suicide. His investigation also revealed a document written by the FDA which asked to have Accutane pulled from the market due to birth defect concerns. Maybe they should have followed through with that hunch.

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