Friday, April 1, 2011

Accutane Trials Continue

This week marks the fourth since the New Jersey Accutane trial began, and plaintiffs – as well as potential plaintiffs – are waiting to see what kind of result will come from the trial, which may indicate the kind of settlements they will be able to expect from their own trials. Accutane lawyers, too, are using this initial trial, which combines the lawsuits of three patients, to gauge the kind of settlement their clients may be able to receive as well as the feel of the trial process for this particular case.

James Marshall, Kelly Andrews, and Gillian Gaghan are all former Accutane users and all suffer from gastrointestinal diseases that they believe are a result of their Accutane use. James Marshall was an aspiring actor who developed a debilitating bowel disease that ended his promising career, which included roles in movies such as Gladiator and A Few Good Men. Hollywood celebrities, including Martin Sheen and Rob Reiner, are expected to be brought into court to testify on Marshall’s behalf.

Kelly Andrews, an account manager, suffers from Crohn’s disease and has endured 7 major surgeries, one of which removed her colon. She began taking Accutane when her doctor prescribed it to her at the age of 17. She is now 29 years old and has been hospitalized over 25 times as a result of her condition. Gillian Gaghan was 22 when she began taking the medication, and started experiencing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome within months. Now 34, she is expected to endure flare-ups of the condition throughout the rest of her life.

Representatives for Accutane drugmaker Roche claim that the link between Accutane and certain gastrointestinal disorders is not conclusive, and maintain that the warnings they placed on the product were sufficient enough to cover any potential side effects. Roche is due to begin their testimony in about two weeks, and the trial is expected to be concluded in about 6 weeks.

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