Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Over 6,000 Accutane Lawsuits Have Been Filed in Mass Tort

Approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in 1982, Accutane has been the subject of controversy for years. It first garnered attention in the late eighties for causing severe birth defects. It has also been known to cause psychiatric problems, and has been linked to hundreds of cases of suicide in the United States. It was recently announced on October 4th that Accutane lawsuits had just reached 6,384 cases. This means there has been an addition of nearly 1,200 cases since August. The spike in Accutane claims filed in New Jersey comes on the heels of a court ruling there that found the statute of limitation for such lawsuit should be based on when plaintiffs discovered there could be a connection between the Accutane and their bowel disorder.
All of the suits involve allegations that side effects of Accutane, a popular acne medication developed by Roche, caused users to develop severe gastrointestinal problems. Plaintiffs allege that Roche and generic drug makers failed to adequately research the medication or warn about the risk of inflammatory bowel disease, which could include Accutane ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

New Jersey Judge Upholds $25 Million Accutane Settlement

A New Jersey judge has rejected Roche’s request for a new trial or reduction of a jury’s award of more than $25 million in damages for a man who filed the Accutane lawsuit after he developed severe inflammatory bowel disease from Accutane. After using Accutane for about four months in 1995 for treatment of Acne, McCarrell began experiencing stomach pain and diarrhea, which ultimately led to a diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease like hundreds of other users who were not adequately warned about the potential Accutane side effects. McCarrell went on to have four surgeries over the next six years, including a total colectomy,

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What Qualifies For Accutane Side Effects Trial?

Approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in 1982, Accutane has been the subject of controversy for years. It first garnered attention in the late eighties for causing severe birth defects. It has also been known to cause psychiatric problems, and has been linked to hundreds of cases of suicide in the United States. Accutane has also been associated with problems of the liver, kidneys, central nervous system, and pancreas, as well as the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and auto-immune systems. In 2009, Roche decided to stop marketing Accutane for economic reasons. The side effects of Accutane (isotretinoin), and its generic equivalent, have also been linked to an increased risk of Crohn’s disease and Accutane inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Accutane Crohn’s disease, which is named for gastroenterologist Burrill Bernard Crohn, who first described the illness in 1932, is an inflammatory disease that effects the large intestine or colon. It is a form of

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Accutane Lawsuit Trial Set for Second Go

Plaintiff Kamie Kendall filed an Accutane lawsuit against drugmaker Roche in 2008, the manufacturers of once-popular acne treatment drug Accutane. Accutane is a strong acne-fighting drug that was intended for use only in patients for which other treatments, such as antibiotic treatments and topical ointments, did not work. However, doctors often prescribed the drug to patients with mild to moderate acne (instead of moderate to severe) as a quick and effective fix for skin issues. The drug was discontinued by its manufacturer in 2009, purportedly due to generic competition, but Accutane was already surrounded by controversy at that time.
            Like many victims of Accutane side effects, Kamie Kendall suffered from a severe case of inflammatory bowel disease beginning after she first began Accutane treatment at the age of 12. Ms Kendall has had to endure the removal of her colon and several hospitalizations associated with the condition, and saw significant changes to her quality of life resulting from long term side effects of Accutane. She